Lennart, one of our talented colleagues in the East Sweden team, shares his insights from his role within Project Management and his thoughts about the future in producing electricity with hydrogen instead of fossil fuels. He describes the project he’s working on as enjoyable because of the ‘high technical content’ in his role!

What role do you have here at Advantek?

My role is to be the Project Manager for a part of a client project. That means ordering parts, creating schedules, managing costs etc. It’s about producing electricity, and district heating in some cases. It is used to heat water that is sent out into the district heating network. Initially, gas is burned, instead of fossil fuels as it was before. Eventually, the goal is to use Hydrogen to make it more carbon dioxide neutral.

What are the challenges within your field?

Quite long project timelines. It’s not done from one day to the next… The challenge is to produce electricity on 100% Hydrogen.

What do you think about the future in producing electricity with only hydrogen?

I believe it is possible to produce electricity with only hydrogen. But there’s a cost aspect to producing hydrogen. Hopefully, the gas production will become cheaper. Also, you don’t have to go all in or nothing; you can run 50% hydrogen and 50% other fuel, which means less pullotion. It’s a gradual process, not from zero to 100. Gradually, you can mix it in and hopefully, it will be 100% eventually!

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